I finally finished!! I named her Maybell after one of my cats.
Here she is naked, but with hair.
And here she is with her very poorly made dress/pajama thing.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Poppet is Complete!!
at 8:09 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Poppet Complete (but naked)
My Poppet is finally finished!!! The legs aren't quite tight enough, and the arms are a little crooked, but, I'm sooooooo happy with how it turned out!!! After class tonight, I'll make the hair and probably an outfit to complete her completely! I still need a name too....
at 4:42 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Poppet Almost Finished
Well, I spent the better part of this morning and afternoon finishing up stuffing my Poppet. I sculpted the paws and feet, belly button, butt and others. I added the eyes and sewed the head on. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to go shopping again, because I tried to use floss (as suggested), but all I had was waxy (non flavored of course), but when you pull it through, the pieces of floss melt together and it's too difficult to separate them properly, so maybe after class I'll go and get some non-waxy floss or some really thick thread or something. Then all I have left is the hair and clothes!
at 3:12 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Poppet Legs
Today I made the head and stuffed the legs of my Poppet. I only took pictures of the legs though. Hopefully I can stuff the rest of it tomorrow. Again, go HERE to see what this is about.
at 11:40 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Poppet Pieces II
Here is the progress I made today on my Poppet. It's turning out really well. I messed up and made the legs bigger than they should have been, so I might have to remake them, but other than that, it's turning out well. I still need to make the head and ears and stuff everything, but I forgot stuffing, so I concentrated on getting most of the body sewn today. If you are interesting in Poppets, please go HERE to check out how to make your own. Sorry for the dark picture, the lights in my house suck.
at 11:16 PM
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Poppet Pieces
So, I began my journey into Poppets today, but cutting out the pieces of the pattern. I would do more, but I have a test and 2 papers that I need to work on (that I am now avoiding by being online). I'm hoping to work more on my first Poppet this weekend.
If you wonder what the hell I'm talking about, go HERE.Do NOT take this pattern. It was NOT made by me and is NOT mine to give out. I'm just trying to keep a log of my progress.
at 8:29 PM